World Deaf Tech Congress."
What are the objectives of the second Congress?
- Make access to technology and recent innovations simple and accessible to all.
- Provide a workspace and collaboration environment for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, whether they are entrepreneurs, professionals, or students, to promote the sharing of knowledge and experiences.
- Encourage professionalization in the world of technology for the deaf, promoting the creation of new projects and equal and tangible job opportunities.
- Highlight the importance of implementing inclusive technologies to improve the quality of life for all of us.
O 1st Deaf Tech International Congress foi realizado no México de 25 a 27 de novembro de 2016, com o tema da inclusão e inovações tecnológicas. Nossa organização, em conjunto com a World Deaf Tech, conseguiu organizar um evento de grande sucesso, que recebeu excelentes avaliações dos participantes, totalizando aproximadamente 150 pessoas. Além disso, esse evento foi possível graças ao generoso patrocínio de empresas nacionais e internacionais. Tivemos a participação de profissionais com amplo currículo e experiência no setor de tecnologia, bem como intérpretes de Língua de Sinais Mexicana e Língua de Sinais Internacional, proporcionando tradução simultânea para espanhol e inglês. Gostaria também de informar que um dos nossos participantes, palestrante e membro da equipe Deaf Tech, Joaquim Amado, do Brasil, e Gabriele Serpi, da Itália, estiveram presentes durante o evento. Eles demonstraram uma atitude extremamente profissional e interesse genuíno, e, portanto, eu os recomendo fortemente
The 2nd WDT Congress took place in December 2018, and World Deaf Tech, LisSubito Movement, and Innovatech invite you to join the first global conference focused on technology and its applications that promote inclusion and collaboration between deaf and hearing individuals. In the first two days, the event was held at the Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma (ISSR) for workshops and forums with the presence of IT experts. The choice of Rome for the second edition of the WDT Congress is due to its rich evolutionary history, which has undergone many political and social changes. Additionally, Rome has recently become a model for an accessible city for deaf and physically and mentally disabled individuals, thanks to the technological efforts of the Capital of Rome. Speakers from around the world discussed this important topic. Live sign language interpretation and captioning services in Italian Sign Language were provided, which were incredible and essential for sharing information and experiences on how technology works and how it can promote development and knowledge. We extend our thanks to the speakers and all participants, including Joaquim Amado, Alfonso Balderas, and Jose, who shared information and experiences. The participation of everyone is crucial for the deaf community and for promoting social inclusion, and it has been highly effective.